Saturday, July 10, 2010

Techniques to Control Your Dog

Barking is one of the natural actions that a dog performs. It does not bother a dog when he barks but it may become very irritating for the people around. When a dog barks, he is trying to communicate something to the people around, nay be to the owner. Barking is a way of expression for them and there are also times when a dog barks without any reason. There is monotony and a dog starts barking to remove that boredom. Barking becomes problems when the dog starts barking at the middle of the night and you are unable to sleep. You also become a reason for your neighbours to get angry with you. There are times when the barking of a dog becomes a chronic habit and gradually it becomes a problem for even the owner of a dog. There are some communities that have ordinances and rules that prohibit barking of the dogs in a particular area. So when a dog makes noise, it is a problem.

But do not worry. There are many solutions that can help you keep your dog under control and prevent him from making unnecessary noise. A bark control collar is one of the newest ways that helps you get a good night’s sleep. The bark control collar is a device that is safe and effective. A bark control collar is available in market in various styles. There are anti bark collars that are operated by battery or some other electronic devices. There are also some bark control collars that are operated by the use of spray.

A battery operated bark control collar uses vibration to sense when the dog is about to bark. The electronic version of the bark control collar uses sound to sense the moments a dog is about to bark. Whenever there is a barking sensed by these bark control collars, the device delivers an electronic voice correction to the neck of the dog and the dog does not make noise. When the action is repeated several times, the dog gets accustomed to the device and gradually starts understanding that he is supposed to remain silent when there is no need to bark.

The spray bark control collar is yet another device that helps people keep their dogs under control. Whenever a dog is about to make noise, the bark control collar releases a spray from under the chin of the dog. There is a sound and there is a smell at the same time. The dog is taken by surprise by the unusual sound and peculiar smell. This is enough to divert a dog from barking. By using spray bark control collar also, a dog can be taught about the situations when he is not supposed to make noise. People can use the spray bark control collars when they see some undesirable behavior in their dog. With passage of time, the dogs get accustomed to situations when the spray is used from bark control collar to make them silent.

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